
Art market, international exhibitions and sales
Galeria Nara Roesler
Av. Europa 655 • São Paulo • SP
Brasil • CEP 01449-001
Tel: +55(11) 3063-2344
Fax: +55(11) 3088-0593

Customer service and diffusion of the works of the artist
Studio Cao Guimarães
R. Piauí 872 - Funcionários
CEP: 30150-320
Belo Horizonte - MG - Brasil
Tel.: +55 31 2555-7870

Representação e informações sobre os longa-metragens
Beto Magalhães
R.Paul Bouthilier 423 • Belo Horizonte • MG • Brasil • CEP 30315-010
Fone: +55 (31) 3287 6210 / 9952 9776

Art market and international exhibitions
Galerie Xippas
108, rue vieille du temple
75003 Paris
Tel: + 33 (0)1 40 27 05 55