From 1996 to 1998 in different cities in the world, Cao Guimarães asked some people to kidnap him. Blindfold and without any information about the places they would take him, he registered his sensorial impressions through “blind photographs”. The photographs, together with written narratives of each kidnapping, resulted in a book and in a video installation.
Stories of Not Seeing - 2001 Close

Stories of Not Seeing - 2001
Concepcion, direction, phtography and editing: Cao Guimarães
BOOK | 2001
Author: Cao guimarães
Text by: Teodoro Rennó Assunção
Design: Marconi Drummond
Translated by: Jefferson Conboy
Proofreading: Maria Cecília Boechat
Production: Carla Lobo
Photo: Cao Guimarães e Ramón Lopes
Polaroid photo: Eduardo Motta
Printing: Rona Editora
Print run: 500 exemplares