The film follows the trajectory of a soap bubble as it floats through the empty rooms of a house under renovation. The bubble never bursts as it drifts from one room to the next in a permanent state of suspension. The soundtrack by Brazilian duo O Grivo consists of the sounds of an empty house, a human presence, and synthesizers.
The Tenant - 2010 Close

The Tenant - 2010
Cinematographer: Cao Guimarães and Rivane Neuenschwander
Editing: Cao Guimarães and Lucas Sander
Images: Cao Guimarães and Lucas Sander
Photography Cao Guimarães and Rivane Neuenschwander
Color Grading: Lucas Sander
Original Soundtrack: O Grivo
Sound Editing: O Grivo
Production Date: 2010
Runtime: 10’34
Display Format: Digital HD
Capture Format: Digital (Canon EOS 5D Mark II h.264, XDCAM EX)
Color: Color
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Frame Size: 1920 x 1080 px
Frames per Second: 23.98 (24p)
Sound Mix: 5.1