Otto, I am Another - 1998

  Otto, I am Another - 1998 Close

Otto, I am Another - 1998

Otto has spent his childhood in a farm, a place where he started to “talk with an invented friend” among other strange manners. Together with his “double” he used to play around primitives ways of communication. The film shows Otto “visiting” his past, seeking for any clue about the origin of his “double”. No matter how much he tries, he can not find anything. He looks like he’s lost in the countryside.

Duration: 20’00”
Exibition format: 35mm
Capture format: 16mm/ Super-8
Executive production: Lucas Bambozzi
Production: Beto Magalhães and Heloísa Ló
Cast: Marcos M Marcos e Gibi Cardoso
Art Direction: Rivane Neuenschwander
Costume Designer: Cristiane Mesquita/Ró Nascimento
Special effects: Arnaldo Zildan
Script: Cao Guimarães
Original soundtrack: O Grivo
Sound editing and master: Alexandre Martins (REC Studio)
Cinematographer: Evandro Rogers
Direction and editing: Lucas Bambozzi e Cao Guimarães.


- III Festival de Cinema de Recife. Brasil- 1999.

- III Festival de Cinema de Curitiba. Brasil- 1999.

- Slamdance 2000. Park City, EUA- 2000.
- 11º Video Brasil- Festival Internacional de Arte Eletronica. São Paulo, Brasil -1998.
- 9º Festival Internacional de Curtas de São Paulo. São Paulo, Brasil -1998.
- 8ª Mostra Curta Cinema. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil- 1998.
- 2ª Mostra de Cinema de Tiradentes. Tiradentes, Brasil- 1999.
- “Experimentos Tropicais”- Pacific Film Archive - Berkeley Art Museum. Berkeley, EUA- 1999.
- “Experimentos Tropicais”- Dallas Video Festival. Dallas, eua- 1999.